Current Features

ICD10 Listings

Psychiatric Diagnoses listing. Psych Dx's with ICD10 codes

Meds Database

Comprenhensive Meds listing provided as informational resource. (A medical professional must always be consulted).


Type a portion of the diagnosis or medication and the information will change in real time with possible selections.

Upcoming Features

Case Plan Generator

Client-centered case plan generator. Based on information, it will provide possible solutions in a narrative-like report. 

Data Driven

The case plan generator will generate / populate output with info entered.

Data Graphs

Behavior data trends will be visualized is user-defined parameters.

What's next


Our Behavior Case Plan Generator will automatically create case plans and populate them with the information submitted.  

Our Case Plan Generator will develop individualized behavioral intervention plans.

Our Case Plan Generator will develop positive behavior supports plans.

Our Case Plan Generator will populate information into well-formatted reports.


Not sure how this site works?

Here are the answers to some of the most common questions we hear from our appreciated customers

  • Are only psychiatric diagnoses listed?

    We have most, if not all of the ICD10 diagnoses, but we focus primarily on the psychiatric diagnoses. If you need to find an ICD10 code for a non-psychiatric diagnosis, just type the diagnosis on the search bar.

  • Does the medications database include all medications?

    First of all, our medications database is for informational purposes only, this in an effort to facilitate clinicians with easy-to-find information. Always consult with medical professionals. Having said that, yes, our medications database consists of 100's of medications.

  • What type of case plans will the case plan generator include?

    Our case plans will include behavior support plans for harm to self, harm to others, and socially-inappropriate behaviors. Positive replacement case plans will also be generated based on the information entered.

  • Are you associated with any corporation or other company?

    No, we are not associated with any corporation or company.